:: Colin W. from aiea HAWAII, apprentice of Steven Smyth, guided by Will Lau of PimpLux, artwork fashioned in Adobe Photoshop 7.0, pictures exposed with Sony DSC-F707, photoshoot images remain untouched and pure, photograph methods assessed with Lance Akagi and Justin Saiki of TeamRice, the night will never limit us...

:: DOHCresearch, derived from DOHCcorp, the original creation :: Started as a friends' cars picture taking website, grew into a widely known import car site :: No true meaning other then relating to cars by the reference of a car motor, no hate for other organizations, no support for mainland shows, dedicated to StreetCarIndustries :: Focused mainly on imports, some american muscle :: Fused together with Nucleartiger and AZNlyfe to shape D-N-A : The Quality Kinetics Group, later combined with TeamRice :: Will continue to live on...

:: Props to Steven Smyth, Will of Pimplux, TeamRice, AznLyfe, eight08, the former 808Rides, 808Speed, RaceSauce, AlphaProject, Function, SpeedAuRa, and more...
 Colin W. :: Email :: AOL Instant Messenger
 All pictures are properties of DOHCcorpPRODUCTIONS, reproduction without consent is prohibited
 Copyright © 1999-2003 DOHCcorpPRODUCTIONS

 To Steven Smyth, wherever you are, I give you props and respect for your legacy and achievements, let the legend live on...